most recent first, Saturday Meetups in bold
- Success #279; Saturday Meetup #51; Regional Geohash Achievement for Saxony (8/8)
- Success #278
- Success #277; Saturday Meetup #50
- Not reached #35; No trespassing #27 (bike)
- Success #276; Saturday Meetup #49
- Not reached #34; No trespassing #26 (car)
- Success #275
- Success #274; Walk Geohash #16; Saturday Meetup #48
- Success #273; Bicycle Geohash #91
- Success #272; Bicycle Geohash #90; Saturday Meetup #47
- Not reached #33; No trespassing #25 (walk)
- Success #271; part 2 of a doublehash
- Success #270; part 1 of a doublehash
- Success #269; Bicycle Geohash #89; Saturday Meetup #46
- Success #268; Bicycle Geohash #88; Saturday Meetup #45
- My three hundredth expedition!
- Success #267
- Success #266; Bicycle Geohash #87; Saturday Meetup #44
- Success #265; Bicycle Geohash #86; 12th geohashiversary
- Not reached #32; No trespassing #24 (bike)
- Success #264; Bicycle Geohash #85; met Etodo, (Etodo's flatmate) and (Etodo's friend)
- Success #263; part 2 of a Doublehash
- Success #262; part 1 of a Doublehash
- Success #261; Bicycle Geohash #84; Saturday Meetup #43
- Success #260; Walk Geohash #15; Saturday Meetup #42; Cubicle geohash honorable mention
- Success #259; Public Transport #50
- Globalhash reached!! Public Transport #49; met Leidenfrost and π π π
- Success #258; Bicycle Geohash #83; Police Geohash
- Success #257; Bicycle Geohash #82; met Oisín
- Success #256; Hashpoints reached 28
- Success #255; Public Transport #49; Saturday Meetup #41; 11th geohashiversary; Last Man Standing #6
- Not reached #31; No trespassing #23 (walk)
- Success #254; Public Transport #48
- Not reached #30; No trespassing #22 (bike)
- Not reached #29; No trespassing #21 (bike)
- Not reached #28; No trespassing #20 (bike)
- Success #253; Bicycle Geohash #81
- Success #252
- Success #251; Saturday Meetup #40; met GeorgDerReisende
- Success #250; Full Minesweeper for 49 9 reached
- Success #249; Bicycle Geohash #80
- Success #248; Saturday Meetup #39
- Success #247
- Success #246; Public Transport #47; new graticule
- Success #245; Public Transport #46; new graticule
- Success #244; Public Transport #45; Border Geohash; Graticule unlocked
- Success #243; Public Transport #44
- Success #242
- Success #241; Doublehash
- Success #240; first part of a Doublehash
- Success #239
- Success #238; Public Transport #43; Saturday Meetup #38; Border Geohash
- Success #237; Public Transport #42
- Success #236; Bicycle Geohash #79
- Success #235; Bicycle Geohash #78; Saturday Meetup #37
- Success #234
- Success #233; Bicycle Geohash #77
- Success #232; Graticule unlocked
- Not reached #27 (No trespassing #19) (car)
- Success #231; Bicycle Geohash #76; Saturday Meetup #36
- Success #230; Expedition 28
- Success #229; Bicycle Geohash #75; Admit one achievement; Over and under achievement
- Success #228; Public Transport #41
- Success #227; Bicycle Geohash #74; Saturday Meetup #35
- Success #226; Bicycle Geohash #73; Tron Geohash
- Success #225
- Success #224
- Success #223; Public Transport #40; Birthday Geohash
- Success #222; Bicycle Geohash #72
- Not reached #26 (Mother Nature #5) (car)
- Success #221; Bicycle Geohash #71; Saturday Meetup #34
- Not reached #25 (No Trespassing #18) (Bike)
- Success #220; Doublehash
- Success #219; first part of a doublehash
- Success #218
- Success #217
- Success #216
- Success #215; Public Transport #39; Saturday Meetup #33
- Success #214; Bicycle Geohash #70; Saturday Meetup #32
- Not reached #24 (No Trespassing #17) (Walked)
- Success #213; Walk Geohash #14
- Success #212; Bicycle Geohash #69; Regional Geohashing Achievement Level 4 (Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge district)
- Success #211; Public Transport #38; Border Geohash
- Success #210; Bicycle Geohash #68; Saturday Meetup #31; Last Man Standing #5
- Success #209
- Success #208; Doublehash
- Success #207
- Success #206; Public Transport #37; Border Geohash
- Success #205; Bicycle Geohash #67
- Success #204; Bicycle Geohash #66, Towel Day
- Success #203; Public Transport #36; Saturday Meetup #30
- Success #202; Public Transport #35; Saturday Meetup #29
- Success #201; Walk Geohash #13; Couch Potato hon. men. #3
- Not reached #23 (No trespassing #16) (Bicycle)
- Success #200; Last Man Standing #4
- Success #199; Public Transport #34
- Success #198; Walk Geohash #12
- Success #197; Public Transport #33
- Success #196; Bicycle Geohash #65
- Success #195; Public Transport #32
- Success #194; Bicycle Geohash #64
- Success #193; Walk Geohash #11
- Not reached #22 (No trespassing #15) (Bicycle)
- Success #192; Public Transport #31
- Not reached #21 (No trespassing #14) (Public Transport)
- Success #191; Public Transport #30
- Success #190; Bicycle Geohash #63; Couch Potato hon. men. #2; Cubicle geohash hon. men.; Déjà-vu
- Not reached #20 (Mother Nature #4) (Public Transport)
- Success #189; Walk Geohash #10; Saturday Meetup #28; Tron Geohash
- Success #188; Public Transport #29; Saturday Meetup #27
- Success #187; Public Transport #28; Saturday Meetup #26
- Success #186
- Success #185; Public Transport #27; Birthday Geohash
- Success #184; Walk Geohash #9; Tron Geohash
- Success #183; part 3 of a triplehash
- Success #182; Saturday Meetup #25; xkcd-100; part 2 of a triplehash
- Success #181; part 1 of a triplehash
- My two hundredth expedition!
- Success #180; Public Transport #26; part 3 of a triplehash
- Not reached #19 (No trespassing #13) (car)
- Success #179; part 2 of a triplehash
- Success #178; Bicycle Geohash #62; Midnight Geohash; part 1 of a triplehash
- Success #177
- Not reached #18 (No trespassing #12) (Bicycle)
- Success #176
- Not reached #17 (No trespassing #11) (Public Transport)
- Not reached #16 (No trespassing #10) (car)
- Success #175
- Success #174; Doublehash
- Success #173; first part of a Doublehash
- Success #172; Bicycle Geohash #61; Tron Geohash
- Not reached #15 (No trespassing #9) (Public Transport)
- Not reached #14 (No trespassing #8) (car)
- Success #171
- Success #170; Geohashing Day 2014
- Success #169
- Success #168; Bicycle Geohash #60
- Success #167; Public Transport #25
- Not reached #13 (No trespassing #7) (car)
- Success #166
- Not reached #12 (No trespassing #6) (Public Transport)
- Success #165
- Success #164
- Success #163
- Success #162; Saturday Meetup #24
- Success #161; Bicycle Geohash #59; Tron Geohash; met DODO
- Success #160; Bicycle Geohash #58
- Success #159; Bicycle Geohash #57
- Success #158
- Success #157
- Success #156; Public Transport #24; Graticule -34 -58 unlocked
- A very tense walk on another continent.
- Success #155; Saturday Meetup #23
- Success #154
- Success #153; Public Transport #23
- Success #152; Birthday Geohash
- Success #151; Bicycle Geohash #56
- Success #150; Bicycle Geohash #55; Tron Geohash
- Success #149; Public Transport #22; Saturday Meetup #22; Mouseover Day; Towel Day
- Retrohash for Geohashing Day reached on 2013-05-25 (Mouseover Day)
- Success #148; Bicycle Geohash #54
- Success #147; Walk Geohash #8; Saturday Meetup #21; Tron geohash
- Success #146
- Success #145; Bicycle Geohash #53; Saturday Meetup #20; Tron geohash
- Success #144; Hashiversary achievement (4 years)
- Success #143; Birthday Geohash
- Success #142
- Success #141; Graticule 28 -16 unlocked
- Success #140; Bicycle Geohash #52
- Success #139; Walk Geohash #7; Saturday Meetup #19; met Gefrierbrand
- Success #138; Public Transport #21; Geohashing Day; Hashdog
- Success #137; Bicycle Geohash #51
- Success #136; Bicycle Geohash #50
- Not reached #11
- Success #135; Walk Geohash #6
- Success #134; Bicycle Geohash #49
- Not reached #10 (Mother Nature #3) (car)
- Success #133; Doublehash
- Success #132; Bicycle Geohash #48; first part of a Doublehash
- Success #131; Bicycle Geohash #47; Saturday Meetup #18
- Success #130; Hashiversary achievement (3 years); Last Man Standing #3
- Success #129; Bicycle Geohash #46; Birthday Geohash
- Success #128 (27); Public Transport #20; with srs0
- Success #127; Bicycle Geohash #45; Towel Day; Déjà-vu
- Success #126; Bicycle Geohash #44
- Success #125; Saturday Meetup #17; Public Transport #19 ; Geohashing Day 2011
- Success #124; Bicycle Geohash #43
- Success #123; Bicycle Geohash #42
- Success #122; Last Man Standing #2
- Success #121; Border Geohash
- Success #120
- Success #119; Public Transport #18; met Robyn and Koepfel; Expedition 27
- Success #118
- Success #117; Walk Geohash #5; Juggernaut; Drag-along
- Success #116; Bicycle Geohash #41; Saturday Meetup #16
- Success #115; Hashiversary achievement (2 years)
- Success #114; Birthday Geohash
- Not reached #9 (No trespassing #5) (Bicycle)
- Success #113; Public Transport #17
- Success #112; Graticule 46 11 unlocked
- Success #111; Bicycle Geohash #40
- Success #110; Bicycle Geohash #39
- Success #109; Bicycle Geohash #38; Saturday Meetup #15
- Success #108; Walk Geohash #4; Tron geohash; hashdog
- Success #107; Bicycle Geohash #37; Tron geohash; Towel Day
- Success #106; Public Transport #16; Mouseover Day 2010
- Brightly yellow glowing hashpoint
- Success #105; Geohashing Day 2010
- Success #104; Bicycle Geohash #36
- Success #103
- Success #102; Air Geohash; Border geohash; Easy Geohash; Graticule 60 36 unlocked
- Not reached #8 (No trespassing #4) (Public Transport)
- Success #101; Public Transport #15 ; Graticule 34 136 unlocked
- Success #100
- Success #99
- Success #98
- Success #97; Border² geohash
- Success #96; Ambassador geohash; Graticule 45 10 unlocked
- Not reached #7 (No trespassing #3) (car)
- Success #95; Frozen Geohash
- Success #94
- My one hundredth expedition!
- Not reached #6 (Mother Nature #2) (car)
- Success #93
- Success #92
- Success #91; met thepiguy
- Success #90; Saturday Meetup #14; met srs0 and thepiguy
- Success #89
- Success #88; Consecutive Geohash Level 4
- Success #87; Consecutive Geohash Level 3
- Success #86; Doublehash
- Retrohash reached on 2009-10-17; Origin Geohash
- Retrohash reached on 2009-10-17; Displaced Origin for 49 9
- Success #85; first part of a doublehash
- Success #84
- almost got lost in the dark forest
- Success #83; with srs0 and thepiguy
- Success #82; Sunrise Geohash
- Success #81; Public Transport #14; with srs0 and thepiguy
- Success #80
- apples and pear, living deer, buzzing hornet, piguy not met
- Success #79; Sunrise Geohash
- Success #78; met srs0 and thepiguy
- with a dead deer and a hornet at the hashpoint, nice horses nearby
- Success #77; Bicycle Geohash #35; met Hermann, thepiguy and srs0
- Success #76
- Success #75; Hashiversary achievement (1 year)
- almost considered MNB
- Success #74; Bicycle Geohash #34; with srs0
- Success #73; Birthday Geohash
- wet, dirty and lonely birthday expedition
- Retrohash reached on 2009-09-04; Displaced Origin for 50 10
- Success #72; Bicycle Geohash #33; Speed Racer (bike); with srs0 and thepiguy
- Success #71
- Success #70; part 5 of a monsterhash; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #69; part 4 of a monsterhash; Ambassador Geohash; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #68; part 3 of a monsterhash; Border Geohash; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #67; part 2 of a monsterhash; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #66; part 1 of a monsterhash; Consecutive Geohash Level 3; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #65; Saturday Meetup #13; Public Transport #13; Geotrashing; met relet, lyx, davidc, pari, Jerrome, JUB, Hessophanes, thepiguy, Srs0, ekorren, dawidi
- Success #64 (26); part 4 of an ultrahash; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #63; part 3 of an ultrahash; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #62; part 2 of an ultrahash; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #61; part 1 of an ultrahash; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #60; Bicycle Geohash #32; Multihash
- Success #59; Reverse Regional on state level for 49 9; Expedition 26
- Success #58; Saturday Meetup #12; Public Transport #12; xkcd-100
- Success #57; Bicycle Geohash #31
- Success #56; Graticule 43 10 unlocked
- Success #55
- Success #54; Bicycle Geohash #30; Saturday Meetup #11; with thepiguy
- Success #53; Saturday Meetup #10; met srs0 and thepiguy
- Success #52; Midnight Geohash #3; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #51; Bicycle Geohash #29; Saturday Meetup #9
- Success #50; Formal Attire Geohash; Midnight Geohash #2; with thepiguy and srs0
- Success #49; Bicycle Geohash #28; Drowned Rat Geohash
- Success #48; Bicycle Geohash #27
- Success #47; Public Transport #11
- Success #46; Bicycle Geohash #26, with srs0
- Success #45; Bicycle Geohash #25, with thepiguy
- Retrohash reached on 2009-06-07; Displaced Origin for 48 11
- Success #44; Public Transport #10; Graticule 47 10 unlocked; Water Geohash; Underwater Geohash; Phonebooth Stuffing; Pub Geohash; Hash collision hon. men.; met Baerenfell, dawidi, ekorren, Hans, Srs0, thepiguy, Tomcat, zb
- Success #43; Bicycle Geohash #24; Police Geohash; Media Attention; with Srs0 and thepiguy, Srs0 got hurt
- Success #42; Bicycle Geohash #23; Saturday Meetup #8
- Success #41; Public Transport #9
- Success #40; Walk #3; Picnic; Geoflashing; Calendar Girl; met Srs0 and thepiguy
- Success #39; Public Transport #8
- Not reached #5 (No trespassing #2) (Public Transport)
- Success #38; Bicycle Geohash #22; met Srs0 and thepiguy
- Success #37; Bicycle Geohash #21; Saturday Meetup #7; met thepiguy and Srs0
- Not reached #4 (Technology #2) (Bicycle)
- Success #36; Bicycle Geohash #20
- Success #35; Saturday Meetup #6
- Success #34
- Success #33; Public Transport #7; Graticule 51 10 unlocked; Pie Geohash; met dawidi, Tomcat, Hans, Thomcat and ekorren
- Success #32; Bicycle Geohash #19; Saturday Meetup #5
- Success #31; Bicycle Geohash #18; Saturday Meetup #4
- Success #30; Walk Geohash #2; Couch Potato Hon. Mention; Hashcard #2 (ekorren)
- Success #29; Bicycle Geohash #17; Snowman Geohash; Hashcard #1 (Joannac)
- Success #28; Bicycle Geohash #16
- Success #27
- Success #26; Bicycle Geohash #15
- Success #25; Sunrise Geohash; met ilpadre
- Success #24; Public Transport #6; Frozen Geohash; Coldest Geohash (-9.6°C)
- Retrohash reached on 2008-12-30
- Not reached #3 (No Trespassing #1) (car)
- Success #23
- Success #22; Saturday Meetup #3
- Not reached #2 (Technology #1) (Bicycle)
- Success #21; Bicycle Geohash #14; Last Man Standing
- Success #20; Bicycle Geohash #13
- Success #19; Public Transport #5; Graticule 48 8 unlocked; met ekorren
- Success #18; Public Transport #4; Holy Hash; Snowman Geohash; met ilpadre
- Success #17; Bicycle Geohash #12
- Not reached #1 (Mother Nature #1) (Public Transport)
- Success #16; Public Transport Geohash #3; part 1 of a Multihash
- Success #15; Saturday Meetup #2; Bicycle Geohash #11; met ilpadre
- Success #14; Bicycle Geohash #10
- Success #13; Bicycle Geohash #9
- Success #12; Public Transport Geohash #2; Multihash; Graticule 49 7 unlocked
- Success #11; Consecutive Geohash Level 3; Déjà-vu Geohash; part 1 of a Multihash
- Success #10; Public Transport Geohash #1; Drowned Rat Geohash
- Success #9; Bicycle Geohash #8
- Success #8; Bicycle Geohash #7
- Success #7; Walk Geohash #1; Midnight Geohash #1; Déjà-vu Geohash
- Success #6; Bicycle Geohash #6
- Success #5; Bicycle Geohash #5
- Success #4; Bicycle Geohash #4; Graticule 50 9 unlocked
- Success #3; Bicycle Geohash #3; Graticule 49 10 unlocked
- Success #2; Saturday Meetup #1; Bicycle Geohash #2; Graticule 49 9 unlocked
- Success #1; Bicycle Geohash #1; Graticule 51 15 unlocked; Border Geohash
in order of appearance
Ribbon shown only once: Land Geohash, Bicycle Geohash, Public Transport Geohash, Walk Geohash, Meet-Up, ...
Ribbon shown once but further instances listed: Hashcard, Tron, Déjà-vu, Couch/Cubicle Geohash (+honorable mention), Regional geohashing, Minesweeper.
Ribbon shown every time: Graticule unlocked, Last Man Standing, records, Geohashing Day, Mouseover Day, Towel Day, Birthday, Geohashiversary.
This déjà-vu ribbon was earned before the rules were changed to "visited the location before the geohash coordinates were announced", so I'll keep it. I earned a "correct" one later for 2008-10-22 49 8.
And again 5-6 years later in another graticule at 2014-11-13 51 13 and shortly after at 2015-04-30 51 13.
Baerenfell, Danatar, dawidi, ekorren, Hans, srs0, thepiguy, Tomcat and zb earned the Graticule Unlocked Achievement
- by being the first to reach any hashpoint in the (47, 10) graticule, here, on 2009-06-07.
Danatar earned the Multihash Achievement
- by reaching 5 hash points on 2009-08-30. It's a MONSTER Hash.

Also by 90/120 meters on 2020-03-28.
Danatar earned the Regional geohashing achievement
- by reaching a hash point in all 4 graticules belonging to "Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge" district in Germany.
Level 4:  Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge (district of Germany; NE (51 14), SE (50 14), SW (50 13), NW (51 13))
The full minesweeper has also been reached for 50 11, 49 10, 49 11, 48 9, 48 10.
5 expeditions and one globalhash expedition actually.
Danatar (and others, independently) earned the Globalhash achievement
- by reaching the globalhash for 2019-12-15.
Danatar earned the Subdivision geohash achievement
- by reaching hash points in all 12 districts of Regierungsbezirk Unterfranken (Lower Franconia).
Upgradable achievements (in progress)
Regional Geohash Achievement progress:
8/8 for Sachsen (Saxony) (EU-DE-SN) completed 2022-01-15
13/20 for Bayern (Bavaria) (EU-DE-BY)
4/11 for Baden-Württemberg (EU-DE-BW)
Progress lists for Subdivision achievement, Regional Geohash achievement and Reverse Regional achievement are HERE
Other achievements
Since all the expeditions have been done by myself, this ribbon is mine as well:
Gratuitous ribbons
Is it true that Danatar earned the Hashdog gratuitous ribbon for petting a dog at the hashpoint?
- In principle, yes.
But he didn't pet the dog. And the dog was not at the hashpoint. Instead, the dog owner turned around 15m from them and fled. (2009-09-03 49 10).
srs0, thepiguy and Danatar earned the Halloween geohash achievement
- by celebrating halloween at the (49, 10) geohash on 2009-10-31.
Danatar earned the One hundred geohashes achievement
- by completing the hundredth attempt to reach a geohash at the (48, 8) geohash on 2009-12-26.
ダナタル earned the "really, really far from home without achieving the globetrotter achievement" ribbon
- by geohashing 9200 km from home but still on the same continent when visiting the (34, 136) geohash on 2010-04-03.
Danatar earned the Biked On Mount Everest ribbon
- by climbing more than 8848 m on bike expeditions until reaching the (49, 10) geohash on 2010-06-13.
Danatar earned the Gentleman's Achievement
- by helping a damsel (or other geohasher) in distress reach the (60, 9) geohash on 2010-06-20.
Anna, Jens, Juja and Danatar earned the Avoid Each Other Achievement
- by launching four independent expeditions without meeting up at the (50, 11) geohash on 2014-06-06.
Danatar and others earned the Geohash 10K achievement
- by participating in an expedition on the day the community reached 10,000 expeditions (including retrohashes), specifically the (49, 10) geohash on 2015-04-19.
Danatar and others earned the Geohash 10K achievement
- by participating in an expedition on the day the community reached 10,000 expeditions (without retrohashes), specifically the (51, 12) geohash on 2015-05-23.
Danatar earned the Multinational Hashpoint Ribbon
- by reaching a hashpoint that is on both sides of a national border at once at the (51, 14) geohash on 2018-07-21.